Sunday 13 December 2015

How have you been supported by friends when you were going through a difficult time?

Take the problem seriously. Even if the problem doesn't seem real important to you, it may be important to them. Things may be piling up. Show them you understand.
Don't put them down. It doesn't help to say, “Things will be better tomorrow” or “Keep your chin up!” Their problem is real to them.
Encourage them to talk to other people as well as to you. Offer to go along with them to talk with some adult friend they can trust.
Offer to join the person in some activity they normally enjoy. They need a chance to have some fun and get their mind cleared.
Let them know you care. They may try to put you off. Stay in touch. Reach out. Invite them to do things with you. Don't force them to be cheerful. Stick with them

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