Saturday 12 December 2015

What was the best day of your life so far?

The best day of my life so far was the day I traveled by myself to London. I've always wanted to go to London, but I was honestly scared to travel alone. When I was twenty-five I decided that I needed to take a trip for myself, experience the city and overcome my fears. I scheduled the trip for May and booked a beautiful Air BnB apartment to myself. It was a real splurge! I went to see a Shakespeare play that I love (As You Like It) went to Big Ben and just spent most of my days exploring the city by foot. It was the most exciting, refreshing week of my life and I'll always remember that first day there, getting out of the airport and navigating by myself in a new place. I felt so powerful and full of possibilities. I can't wait to travel alone again - I just decided that my next adventure will be in Bali!

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