Saturday 12 December 2015

What is your greatest treasure in life?

My greatest treasures in life are my friends. I'm blessed to have the best friends on this planet. I've been disabled for a few years due to extreme osteoarthritis in my hips. While my walking has been difficult, my friends not only understand but they get it. I would and have done anything for them and they have way more than reciprocated. I don't tolerate being idle in myself so I'm involved in a number of things with my church and community. It was when I had surgery to replace my hip last summer and then suffered an accident on top of that, that I found out how truly blessed I was. My friends came through big time, making sure I had delicious home cooked meals, company, shopping, taking care of my cats and checking to make sure I was okay. I'm crying right now thinking of them all. I love all of you and you know who you are. I hope you read this as I'm better at writing it than saying it. I can't say it enough. Words are inadequate to express what I feel for all of you.

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